Welcome to Parents Australia Inc.
We were established in 2011 as a national charity to support parents.
We do this by providing practical programs and information to families and schools that will help make a difference to children's learning experiences and outcomes.
We try in everything we do to:
- Respect what parents and families already know and do.
- Encourage confidence.
- Make it easier to understand important research and professional knowledge.
- Inspire courage and action.
Our signature programs are Successful Learning - The Parent Factor and The Indigenous Parent Factor - Successful Learning in the Early Years at Home and School Program.
Both of these programs focus on supporting young children to develop their reading, writing and maths skills and a love of learning.
We can design other programs on request, and are committed to bringing together, and sharing, information and ideas in plain language.
Donations to our work are usually tax deductible.
New Talk Topic: Dyslexia
Dyslexia makes it harder for children to learn reading, spelling and sometimes writing skills. It makes reading especially difficult.
Dyslexia affects how a child's brain manages (processes) and remembers some language-based information.
Children of all different ability levels can have dyslexia. It is not related to intelligence.
Reading difficulties can surprise parents and teachers. When children are doing well in other areas, we don't expect reading will be a problem. As well, even young children can become very clever at covering up their difficulties.
Successful Learning in the Early Years
Successful Learning – The Parent Factor is a series of parent-to-parent workshops that encourage and support families to engage in their children’s early learning and literacy to assist in children’s readiness for school, their interest in learning, their academic success and well-being.
The Indigenous Parent Factor
The Indigenous Parent Factor (IPF) – Successful Learning in the Early Years at Home and School Program builds strong and culturally-appropriate foundations among Indigenous parents, carers and families to effectively engage in their children’s early learning and transition to school.
Our Aim
To develop and deliver programs for parents to build their interest, confidence and capacity to engage in and support the learning experiences, general development and wellbeing of their children at home and school.